The Pedestal House Slaves have proved themselves to be an extremely popular feature of our events so far.

In fact, they have been so much in demand that we are looking to expand the current team with some new recruits.

In their distinctive red collars and striped apron uniforms, our team of well-trained slaves provide a valuable service to our female guests.

Under the strict management of Pedestal's Female organisers, our house slaves are available for use by all mistresses attending the club.

The role requires showing obedience to any of our female guests, and providing services like :

  • Circulating the club with refreshments or flowers as provided by Pedestal
  • Offering shoe shine sevices for attending mistresses using equipment provided
  • Foot massage and pampering
  • Fetching drinks from the bar for mistresses as instructed
  • Any other services required by mistresses requiring a temporary slave!

Being a member of the Pedestal House slaves team is a demanding but rewarding role.

If you are submissive to women and believe you would be a suitable candidate, please

email us to apply to become a house slave at the next event. People of all genders are welcome to join the house slaves.

Our Houses slaves are sponsered by Bondatrix, who supplies them with quality red collars. Please visit her web site for details of her extensive range of equipment.

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