Gallery - Next event 25th July @ Electrowerkz :

Photos of party goers at Pedestal May 2024. All photos taken with the permission of those appearing in them.

See photos of Jan 2024 at Fire.

See photos of Nov 2023 at Fire.

See photos of Sept 2023 at Fire.

See photos of July 2023 at Fire.

See photos of May 2023 at Fire.

See photos of March 2023 at Fire.

See photos of Jan 2023 at Fire.

See photos of Nov 2022 at Fire.

See photos of Sept 2022 at Fire.

See photos of July 2022 at Fire.

See photos of May 2022 at Fire.

See photos of March 2022 at Fire.

See photos of Nov 2021 at Fire.

See photos of Sept 2021 at Protocol .

See photos of July 2021 Fire.

See photos of Jan 2020 at Fire.

See photos of Nov 2019 at Fire.

See photos of Sept 2019 at Fire.

See photos of July 2019 at Fire.

See photos of May 2019 at Fire.

See photos of March 2019 at Fire.

See photos of Jan 2019 at Fire.

See photos of Nov 2018 at Fire.

See photos of Sept 2018 at Fire.

See photos of July 2018 at Fire.

See photos of May 2018 at Fire.

See photos of March 2018 at Fire.

See photos of Jan 2018 at Fire.

See photos of Nov 2017 at Fire.

See photos of Sept 2017 at Fire.

See photos of July 2017 at Fire.

See photos of May 2017 at Fire.

See photos of March 2017 at Fire.

See photos of Jan 2017 at Fire.

See photos of Nov 2016 at Fire.

See photos of Sept 2016 at Fire.

See photos of July 2016 at Fire.

See photos of May 2016 at Fire.

See photos of March 2016 at Fire.

See photos of Jan 2016 at Fire.

See photos of Nov 2015 at Fire.

See photos of Sept 2015 at Fire.

See photos of July 2015 at Fire.

See photos of May 2015 at Fire.

See photos of March 2015 at Fire.

See photos of Jan 2015 at Fire.

See photos of Nov 2014 at Fire.

See photos of Sept 2014 at Fire.

See photos of July 2014 at Fire.

See photos of May 2014 at Pacha.

See photos of March 2014 at Club Colosseum.

See photos of Jan 2014 at Club Colosseum.

See photos of Nov 2013 at Club Colosseum.

See photos of Sept 2013 at Club Colosseum.

See photos of July 2013 at Club Colosseum.

See photos of May 2013 at Club Colosseum.

See photos of March 2013 at Club Colosseum.

See photos of Jan 2013 at Club Colosseum.

See photos of Nov 2012 at Club Colosseum.

See photos of Sept 2012 at Club Colosseum.

See photos of July 2012 at Club Colosseum.

See photos of May 2012 at Club Colosseum.

See photos of April 2012 at Club Colosseum.

See photos of March 2012 at Club Colosseum.

See photos of Jan 2012 at Club Colosseum.

See photos of Nov 2011 at Club Colosseum.

See photos of Sept 2011 at Club Colosseum.

See photos of July 2011 at Club Colosseum.

See photos of May 2011 at Club Colosseum.

See photos of March 2011 at Club Colosseum.

See photos of Jan 2011 at Club Colosseum.

See photos of Nov 2010 at Club Colosseum.

See photos of Sept 2010 at Club Colosseum.

See photos of July 2010 at Club Colosseum.

See photos of May 2010 at Club Colosseum.

See photos of March 2010 at Club Colosseum.

See photos of Jan 2010 at Club Colosseum.

See photos of Nov 2009 at Club Colosseum.

See photos of Sept 2009 at Club Colosseum.

See photos of July 2009 at Club Colosseum.

See photos of May 2009 at Club Colosseum.

See photos of March 2009 at Club Colosseum.

See photos of January 2009 at Club Colosseum.

See photos of Nov 2008 at Club Colosseum.

See photos of Sept 2008 at Club Colosseum.

See photos of May 2008 at Club Colosseum.

See photos of March 2008 at The Aquarium.

See photos of Dec 2007 at The Aquarium.

See photos of Sept 2007 at The Aquarium.

See photos of May 2007 at The Aquarium.

See photos of Feb 2007 at The Aquarium.

See photos of November 2006 at The Aquarium.

See photos of April 2006 at The Aquarium.

See photos of Jan 2006 at The Aquarium.

See photos of June 2005 at Sahara Nights.

See photos of April 2005 t Sahara Nights.

See photos of Sept 2004 at the Millenium Club.

See photos of May 2004 at the Glass House.

See photos of January 2004 at the Glass House.

See photos of photos of our opening night Oct 2003.

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Pedestal Reviews

Reviews from Pedestals recent parties :

"Club Pedestal is the most popular and coolest female dominance night in the UK."
Read the full Grazia review...

"All women, whatever your age, size and look. Whether you are kinky or vanilla. Whatever your history, background and interests? You need to try Club Pedestal."
Read the full Unicorn Hunting review...

"...As I left the female heaven that is Club Pedestal, I was brimming with a sense of empowerment...I can't recommend a night at Club Pedestal enough - it's the ultimate girl's night out."
Read the full Scarlet Magazine review...

"...I was over the moon at Pedestal. The house slaves were at our disposal for all our wishes. "
Read the full BDSM Magazine review...

"...Pedestal is a good sized operation, based in the London area, attracting up to 400 people..."
Read the full Skin Two LateXtra interview with the Pedestal organisers...

"..Presents of long-stemmed roses and juicy grapes from house slaves greeted females arriving for London's new femdom club. The Glasshouse venue is classy, with great views over the moonlit Thames, and the clientele looked pretty stunning too...."
Read the full Skin Two review of Pedestal at the Glass House...

"...If dominance is your thing, Pedestal is a great new club for dominant women... Beautiful corset-clad women recline on opulent sofas while men in PVC shorts humbly service their every need - and love it. "
Read the full review on ...

"...Now no club exemplifies more our rise from the gutters to the rightful lofty tower we Mistresses should be ruling from, than Pedestal."
Read the full review by Mistress Kate on London Fetish Scene...

"It turned out to be extremely well-attended and unusually the mix of dominant females to males was reasonably equal. Plenty of atmosphere, swathes of foot-worship had to be careful you weren't stepping over a sub-male at work..."
Read Sardax's impressions of the night...

"...The women looked amazing,the men looked respectfully and all seemed right in the world..."
Read the full review by Bubble Jam Delight (Independant clubbing mag) ...

"Club Pedestal beautifully achieved what they set out to do: create a truly elegant atmosphere of pure Fem-dom. ... I am delighted to bestow upon Club Pedestal a most enthusiastic “Mistress O Seal of Approval.”"
Read the full review by Mistress O on London Fetish Scene...

Click here for details of ticket prices and how to buy them for the next event.

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